2020-2021 Criterion 1 Criterion 2 Criterion 3 Criterion 4 Criterion 5 Criterion 6 Criterion 7 AQAR REPORT
1 Curricula Feedback Analysis report 2020-21 ICT Tools 2020-21 Basics R Programming 2020-21 POPES College Criterion 4 * Capacity Development and Skill Enhancement activities 2020-21 Strategic Plan & Deployment 2020-21 Best Practices 2020-21 AQAR Reports 2020-21
2 - Student Satisfaction Survey Chemist Catalyst - - - Institutional Distinctiveness 2020-21 -
3 - - Cloud Computing 2020-21 - - - - -
4 - - Code of Ethics for Research - - - - -
5 - - Corona Virus and Wildlife Trade 2020-21 - - - - -
6 - - Edge Colouring in Graphs 2020-21 - - - - -
7 - - Electrochemistry the Chemists - - - - -
8 - - Fuzzy Mathematics Webinar 20-21 - - - - -
9 - - Luminescent Organoboron Complexes - - - - -
10 - - Marvels & Mystries Webinar 2020-21 -
11 - - Nanoparticles in Biopharmeceuticals 2020-21 -
12 - - Number of PhD candidates registered 2020-21 - - -
13 - - Practices of ICT Tools in Teaching & Learning 2020-21 - - - - -
14 - - Solid State Laser Materials Webinar 2020-21 - - - - -
15 - - Web Application Development Webinar 2020-21 - - - - -

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