Department of Commerce
Commerce Department Profile
Department of Commerce was established in 1985. Dr. A. Gnanadoss and Dr. J. Arulraj Daniel were appointed as the faculty of Commerce. In 1986, Mr. J . Asir Thiayagarajan was appointed as Assistant Professor of Commerce. In 1987, Prof, Aruldoss Hentry Samuel was appointed as Professor and Head. In the same year Dr.A. Selvakumar was appointed as Assistant Professor of Commerce. In the year 2006 Dr . D. Annie Angel Mercy was appointed as Assistant Professor of Commerce. In 2007, Mr.J. Johnson Asir and Mrs.J Sheeba were appointed as Assistant Professors. Mr. P. Stanley David Pitchai and Mrs. I. Caroline Mano Gracia were appointed as Assistant Professors in the year 2020.
Initially, the strength of the students was about 120 comprising 40 students in each class. From 1992 the student strength has increased from 120 to 150. In the year 2000, the Department has installed computers and a separate lab was provided to the students of Commerce. From 2011 onwards, the student strength yet again increased from 150 to 192.
In 2011, the Commerce Department became a Postgraduate Department. M.Phil Degree was introduced in 2014. B.Com under Self-Finance stream was started in the year 2015.
At present, the Department is headed by Dr. D. Annie Angel Mercy with four Aided staff members and eight Self-financed staff members. The Department has fifteen eminent faculty members and about 350 students. The Department periodically organizes workshops and seminars on a variety of commerce topics and Current issues.